How did your 2006 performance compare?
Did you get your 2006 investment statements?
Most investors have received their 2006 investment statements in the last couple of weeks. Do yourself the biggest favor - spend some time reviewing them.
Do you need help determining your portfolio performance?
You can do this yourself or ask your asset manager, stock broker or online discount broker for help quantifying your 2006 returns.
Did you match or beat the benchmark returns?
Determine you annal return by asset class (US equities, bonds, international, real estate, etc.) including capital appreciation and dividends, less all commissions and expenses.
How do you do compare?
Compare your returns to Visible Investor Performance (3, 5, 10 year returns):
US Equities: 15.5%
International Equities: 26.6%
Emerging Market Equities: 28.1%
Real Estate: 35.1%
US Bond: 4.3%
Blended Return (all asset classes): 17.0%
If you did not reach these returns or would like a Visible Investment Advisor to do a complimentary review of you year-end statement, contact us.
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